European Ranger Association
Urs was born 1980 in Germany. He studied biology with special focus on ecology and nature conservation. He did his studies in Marburg at the working group of Prof. Plachter who played an important role in Germany’s nature conservation and was former vice president of the WCPA.
After studying Urs worked in 2 agencies for nature conservation assessments. When in 2014 the Black Forest National park was established he took the job there as chief ranger. His job was to establish and build up the ranger system in the new national park.In 2015 he began helping in working groups of the German ranger association concerning international exchange and working groups. Black forest National Park was strongly supporting the new establishment of the ERF for which they organised a workshop in 2015, which was the baseline for the new establishment.
After working for two years for the ministry of environment in Baden-Württemberg, Urs returned to leading the Rangers of the Black Forest National Park in April 2021. Before stepping in as ERF president, Urs was training officer in the ERF. He is also spokesman for the Ranger working group of Europarc Germany.