Mohammed Dikko Bala

Assistant Conservator of Park, National Park Service, Nigeria

When did you start this job?
My first appointment with the National Park Service was on 23rd October 2003 as Park officer.  I was posted to Kainji Lake National Park,New Bussa, Niger state , Nigeria.

What is your background?
I am a graduate of Zoology University of Maiduguri. Attended various workshops, trainings on protected area and conservation both local and international.

My main duty is supervision and coordination of rangers activities such as anti poaching, research etc.

What is the craziest, most dangerous thing that has happened?
The craziest moment was on my first anti poaching patrol the team sighted a very big Python and one of the rangers said to me ‘sir’ see Python  pointing to the direction and before you ”say jack” l took to my heels to where we park the patrol vehicle leaving behind my water bottle and patrol bag, which were later brought to me at the vehicle. Also my dangerous moment were when we lost a ranger to bullet of a poacher .

What is your most memorable moment?
Memorable moment  was  World Ranger Congress USA , 2016 and being given relief materials.

Why is this job important to you?
Biodiversity conservation, mitigating effect of climate change, saving and serving nature.
